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AVI-SPL acquires ICAP Global


Global digital provider AVI-SPL has reached an agreement to acquire Grupo ICAP Global (ICAP Global), a market leader in Latin America and Spain. The two established industry leaders will merge under AVI-SPL, creating one global audiovisual (AV), unified communications and collaboration (UCC), workplace management and experience technology provider. 

Founded in 1957 and operating in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Spain, ICAP Global has a strong reputation for exceptional technology expertise and service as well as value-added distribution. The expansion deepens AVI-SPL’s commitment to serving Spanish-speaking markets, where it says it sees tremendous demand from local and global companies. 

“We’ve long admired ICAP Global’s remarkable success and industry leadership,” says John Zettel, CEO of AVI-SPL. “They became the leading AV and UCC service provider in their markets by consistently creating client value through outstanding quality and exceptional service. Now, we’ll work and grow as one as we expand globally to serve our customers locally wherever they need us.” 

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