Welcome to the spring edition of KDS Europe. In this issue we’re pleased to be bringing you a range of interesting (well, we hope) insights into a range of topics from enhancing the visitor experience with digital mapping to how to expand into the Chinese digital signage market. We also look at how 2D barcodes are transforming healthcare and manufacturing.
We also turn to the idea of just whose job it is to “do” digital signage? Is it a marketing role? Is it designers? Is it IT?
“As digital signage systems evolve and offer increasingly sophisticated tools, such as audience analysis by gender, age and viewing time,” writes Germán Talón, chief product officer at nsign.tv,” relying solely on the IT department for content management becomes burdensome for all involved and provides little benefit.”
What do you think?
As ever, we welcome your thoughts and feedback and any ideas for future issues or web content. Please email editor@kdseurope.com.
Hazel Davis
Page 10 – Enhancing the visitor experience with digital mapping technology
Page 16 – Using 2D barcodes to improve patient experiences and streamline healthcare admin
Page 18 – Challenges and triumphs in partnering with China for display solutions
Page 20 – Whose job is digital signage content?
Page 22 – POS and display solutions to reduce retail theft
Page 24 – Enhancing employee engagement: a critical strategy for improving manufacturing efficiency