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Cash Automation Solution from ITL Partner, IPM France 

Cash Automation Solution from ITL Partner, IPM France


CashGenic, Innovative Technology’s hygienic cash automation system, enters the French market as latest partner IPM launch their new Self’Pay payment terminal. 

Commenting on their latest partnership agreement, Thorsten Labusch, VP of Sales said, “CashGenic first launched in May 2020 during the Covid pandemic to enable customers to pay with cash hygienically, and since then we have acquired several partners throughout Europe. We are delighted to announce that IPM is our dedicated CashGenic partner in France who will provide the solution to retailers throughout the region.” 

ITL’s Business Development Manager for France & Benelux, Stephan Rosseneu, said, “IPM France is a specialist in the management of large-scale interactive kiosk projects. Impressed with the advantages our CashGenic cash automation kit brings, IPM took the decision to build their own payment machine named Self’Pay. Self’Pay allows customers to pay with both coins and notes using ITL recycling technology. Not only does this cash solution make it easy for customers to pay with cash and reduce staff handling money, but it also brings many more advantages to the retailer such as securing cash payments, reducing accounting errors and enabling cost efficiency – all essential for the retail industry.” 

Laurent Borel, IPM’s CCO said, “We have been successfully working with Innovative Technology since 2021 and are now delighted to launch Self’Pay, a fantastic new solution for retailers looking to automate cash transactions. Using Innovative’s intelligent note and coin recyclers we decided to create a complete, all-in-one solution that customers can simply plug in and use straight away. It can be used standalone or connected to a checkout and can be easily customised to suit your business. We will be offering Self’Pay to retailers with a back office software tool developed by us. The total solution is affordable, secure, fast, and easy to install thanks to the compact footprint.” 

Concluding, Rosseneu said, “I am looking forward to working with IPM to supply our retail customers with a solution that will improve handling of cash transactions in a very cost effective manner.” 


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