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Eat more cookies! POS signage psychology


Clare Jones, global outreach manager, Custom Neon

Point-of-sale (POS) signage plays a crucial role in retail by tapping into the desires and emotions of customers. Research suggests that over 60% of in-store purchases occur at the point of sale. There are some key practical tips to bear in mind when leveraging psychological principles to influence consumer behaviour effectively.

Key psychological concepts in POS signage

Colour psychology

Colours can instantly trigger specific emotions and associations in customers’ minds. Retailers can use this to their advantage by incorporating strategic colours in POS signage. For instance, red is often used in text or backgrounds to draw attention to limited-time offers or “last chance” deals.


Effective signage structures information to highlight the most important elements first. By strategically selecting font size, colour, and placement, business owners can ensure that critical information, such as discounts or £ savings, is what grabs the attention! “Darling, the deal was just too good to miss!! …Don’t see it as spending, see it as saving money!” We’ve all been there.

Scarcity and urgency

The fear of missing out (FOMO) is a powerful motivator in consumer behaviour. POS signage can harness this by incorporating phrases like “Limited Time Offer” or “While Supplies Last,” and by showcasing popular products. Countdown timers indicating dwindling stock can also prompt customers to act quickly.


The most effective marketing messages are often the simplest. With the average human attention span just over eight seconds, POS messages need to be clear and direct. Combining text with images or symbols can convey a powerful message quickly and effectively.

Psychological tactics in POS

Glenlivet: Glenlivet’s POS display capitalises on psychological principles by highlighting the unique and “rare” qualities of their whiskey. The illuminated glass case (bottle glorifier) gives crown jewel vibes, positioning the product as prestigious. The messaging “Only at King Power” gives the consumer a sense of urgency. Only available here, I have to buy now or miss out! FOMO! FOMO! FOMO!!!

Nike: Nike’s POS signage appeals to emotions with powerful imagery and motivational slogans that resonate with their target audience. They effectively use hierarchy and simplicity to communicate their message.

Bryds Cookies: Custom LED neon signage stands out in a retail environment, immediately drawing customers’ attention. Bold and unique lettering can spark curiosity, encourage further exploration or evoke a specific mood. This ‘Eat More Cookies’ sign doesn’t need to tell me twice! SOLD!!!

Effectively designed POS signage can significantly influence customer behaviour and purchasing decisions. By applying key psychological concepts like colour psychology, visual hierarchy, scarcity, and emotional appeal, businesses can create compelling POS displays that drive sales.


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