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Leyard announces Luminate Ultra W – a new standard in close-up viewing for outdoor LED screens


Leyard Europe has announced the Luminate Ultra W Series of MicroLED video wall displays, designed to bring fine-detail imagery at close viewing distances to outdoor environments. This solution combines the latest advancements in LED technology with a 16:9 wide aspect ratio, while fine pixel pitches support viewing from as close as 2.5 metres, making it ideal for Full HD and 4K cinema and sports media, information signage, retail, hospitality and high-end residential applications.

The use of MicroLED technology produces enhanced black levels, excellent colour uniformity and high brightness, even in direct sunlight. The addition of waterproof Glue-On-Board (GOB) technology and an IP65 rating means that Luminate Ultra W can withstand harsh weather conditions, whilst increased energy efficiency produces less heat at the same brightness.

Available in 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0mm pixel pitches at a minimum 3000-nits, Luminate Ultra W can be configured to perfectly match Full HD and Ultra HD resolutions. Front installation and maintenance reduce the overall footprint of the video wall, and virtually eliminates the need for servicing space behind the wall.

Luminate Ultra W Complete, pre-configured LED video walls are also available in 115 inch, 145 inch and 173 inch Full HD resolution, and 231 inch 4K resolutions to reduce configuration time, cost and complexity. This line of off-the-shelf LED video wall displays equips customers with everything needed for effective, hassle-free deployment, including LED display cabinets, spare modules, wall mounts, cables and a video processor.

“Luminate Ultra W is designed to meet the demand for high brightness, fine pixel pitch outdoor LED displays that deliver on enhanced visual performance, durability, easy installation and maintenance,” says Cris Tanghe, VP Product at Leyard Europe. “The addition of an IP65 rating that incorporates LED treatments designed to endure the weather, including protection from ultraviolet rays, dust and water, makes them ultimately versatile for a multitude of applications.”

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