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M-Cube’s new Green Signage Protocol


In-store digital solution provider M-Cube has unveiled its ‘Green Signage’ protocol to help retailers reduce Digital Signage energy consumption by up to 50%.

This announcement is hot off the heels of the European Union’s new Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, which seeks to enhance the circularity, energy efficiency and overall environmental sustainability of EU products. 

The Green Signage M-Cube Protocol is made up of four technologies: power steer, content playout, visualisation tuning and content creation. 

 They include a smart socket, which delivers a regular energy report and ensures disconnection at a scheduled time, and a bespoke Video Player digital signage platform interface equipped with a setting to minimise consumption. Additionally, an LCD/LED screen with specialised tuning and adapted content designs guarantees green parameters are met. When these levers are correctly implemented as part of the ‘Green Signage’ protocol, energy consumption can be slashed by up to 30% to 50%.

 The levers have been through thorough lab testing, and are now officially certified by IMQ, the leading Italian body in the field of conformity assessment and product, quality and business management systems certification. The benefits for retailers are wide-ranging, including energy cost savings, the freedom of remote controlling displays, and staying in line with evolving regulation on carbon footprint reduction.

 Between 2011 and 2022, a study published in Science reported that global sky brightness increased by an estimated 9.6% per year. Making products more sustainable is therefore a growing focus of the digital signage industry, as well as finding solutions for a greener future.

 “With growing pressure from customers and sustainability regulation expected to be enforced, the digital signage industry is in need of more environmentally-friendly practices, and fast,” said Manlio Romanelli, M-Cube president, “Our ‘Green Signage’ protocol delivers an exciting and ambitious option for retailers. With less energy consumption and increased savings, M-Cube is leading the way for in-store digital solutions and once again cementing itself as the ideal partner for retailers looking to the future.”

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