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The search for Ocean Outdoors’ inaugural Digital Creative Competition Grand Prix winner


Digital connectivity brand Ocean Outdoors has launched a competition to win a premium advertising campaign across some of Europe’s most sought after digital out of home (DOOH) screens. 

For the inaugural Grand Prix winner of Ocean Outdoor’s 2024 digital creative competition the ultimate prize is a windfall £100,000 DOOH campaign across seven European sites of stature including London’s Piccadilly Lights, the Amsterdam Leidseplein, Stockholm’s Halo, The Iconic in Copenhagen, Helsinki’s Redi Icon, and Norway’s The Cube. 

Ocean Outdoor’s annual digital creative competitions are now underway in the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. In total, 30 winners (gold, silver and bronze) will be chosen across two categories – commercial and not for profit. They will be given space across Ocean screens in their country of entry to bring their campaigns to life.

The 13 Gold prize winners selected by the independent judges will go forward to compete for the ultimate prize – the Ocean Grand Prix, which allows the winner to use Ocean’s screen space for a brand campaign of their choice.

In addition to awarding £100,000 in ad space, Ocean Studio will film the brand campaign, creating an asset to share across the Grand Prix winner’s owned digital and social channels.

“Our Digital Creative Competition is about testing the minds of the creative industry by bringing bold new ideas to DOOH,” says Ocean Outdoor head of brand and events Helen Haines said, “We are seeking original concepts which pay homage to the creativity of our medium by realising its potential in terms of place, environment and technology.” She added, “Introducing the competition across seven Ocean countries gives us the chance to establish a new prize by choosing an ultimate winner who demonstrates how OOH is disrupting the status quo. Ocean’s Grand Prix will be awarded to one brand or agency who recognises the superpower DOOH has to turn an idea into an enviable, international multi-channel opportunity.”

Ocean’s individual national Digital Creative Competitions close on 23 August and the winners will be announced on 9 October (10 October in Netherlands). In late November, the 13 Gold winners will go forward into the Grand Prix which will be decided by an international panel of OOH and creative experts. The winner will be announced in January 2025.

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