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Why you can’t afford to have substandard digital signage

Why you can’t afford to have substandard digital signage

Clare Jones, global outreach manager, Custom Neon


As part of our B2B marketing and business development strategy, we surveyed more than 1000 people to try and understand how much signage actually impacts consumer behaviour and we were quite astonished by the results. They make for interesting reading, especially for customer-facing business. In these tough economic times it can be difficult to allocate a budget, but looking at these stats, can business owners afford to have substandard signage?

Wayfinding matters 

Some 77% of respondents (that’s nearly four in five) have previously had trouble finding a business due to poor signage or no signage and more than 76% had previously visited a store or business due to attractive signage. Just over 75% reported having purchased something in the past because a sign caught their eye, and almost 85% of consumers indicated that they found themselves drawn to bright and colourful signage. For a customer-facing business owner, this is definitely a stat that should be factored into signage design strategies. Our poll showed that signs containing a lot of text were the least aesthetically appealing. Business owners should really view their signage as bait, bright vibrant signage is definitely more likely to land you a catch. 

In recent years we have definitely seen this trend reflected in the types of signs businesses are ordering. No longer are signs used just to highlight a business name or show they are open for business. Sign designs have changed to reflect the demand for people eager to create content for their socials. Cheeky sayings, and plays on words are what we are seeing more of and it’s actually a strategic marketing tactic by businesses. Not only are they drawing crowds attracted by their signage, they are also getting tags and shares on their socials, so, free advertising and brand awareness. 

Good signage reflects good quality

Some 66% of respondents have had a poor opinion of a business because of its signage and nearly 79% of the consumers polled believe that signage reflects the quality of a business and the product or service offered. The fact that so many of the consumers polled believe that signage reflects the quality of a business or the products and services offered should be a real eye-opener for businesses. While in tough economic times owners may not want the expense of purchasing or updating existing signage, the financial losses resulting from poor signage can be far greater than the cost of a new sign.

A one-off investment

Surprisingly, 72.20% of respondents believe that good signage is more important for a business than social media or newspaper advertisements and just over 75% of people polled reported having purchased something in the past because a sign caught their eye – this is an awful lot of opportune sales. 

Unlike other forms of marketing, signage is a one-off investment. Once your signage is installed, there are no further costs. When you consider the longevity of quality signage, the number of people your signage will reach, from pedestrians to motorists, it’s an incredibly cost-effective marketing method. 


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