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Zetadisplay acquires Beyond Digital Solutions Ltd


ZetaDisplay has announced the acquisition of UK company Beyond Digital Solutions Ltd. 

The move is one more step for ZetaDisplay’s plan to expand its European market presence. The acquisition was fully funded by equity from ZetaDisplay’s owner, Hanover Investors.

Based in Newcastle, Beyond Digital provides digital communication solutions locally, nationally and globally. 

ZetaDisplay was founded in 2003 in Sweden and was one of the early pioneers of digital signage. It’s now a leading force in the European digital signage industry, with direct operations in eight European countries and the US and more than 100,000 active installations in over 50 countries. ZetaDisplay is currently working with Swedish state-owned railway company SJ, on the delivery of a 10-year agreement to provide on-board digital signage systems for its Nordic railroad routes. 

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